Title: Discover the Rich Flavor of “Kotteri” Ramen at Koenji’s Iconic Tenkaippin!
A Must-Visit for Ramen Lovers: Tenkaippin Koenji
Just a 5-7 minute walk from Koenji Station, Tenkaippin Koenji has earned a reputation as a “sacred spot” for lovers of rich ramen. Known for its famously thick “kotteri” soup, this ramen is unlike anything else—a unique style that’s closer to a stew than a typical broth. With only two Tenkaippin-owned stores in Tokyo, Koenji’s version boasts an even thicker, richer soup that’s gained a loyal following. I decided to visit after hearing about the “mud-like” soup online, and as a ramen lover, I was hooked after just one bowl!
My Experience: The Famous Kotteri Ramen
When it comes to Tenkaippin’s ramen, the signature is definitely the rich, chicken-based kotteri soup. It’s a refreshing take compared to typical pork-based or seafood broths. I ordered the “Kotteri” style, and was immediately struck by the thickness of the soup. The broth clings to the noodles like a creamy stew, delivering a truly satisfying and filling experience.
The flavor was a delicious combination of umami-rich chicken broth with a unique, slightly gritty texture that complements the broth’s thickness. With each bite, the soup coats the noodles, making every mouthful intensely flavorful. The depth of the taste is one-of-a-kind, perfect for those who crave a substantial, hearty ramen experience.
Recommended Menu: Kotteri Ramen & Side Dishes
This time, I ordered the Service Set, which comes with ramen, half-sized fried rice, and gyoza dumplings. The fried rice was aromatic and perfectly textured, pairing well with the rich ramen. I also loved dipping the gyoza in the kotteri broth, which added a delightful layer of flavor.
While Tenkaippin also offers a lighter “Assari” option, I’d definitely recommend trying the Kotteri on your first visit. And here’s a local tip: in Japan, it’s common to enjoy ramen after a night out—a popular practice that makes Tenkaippin’s late hours extra convenient.
Store Information and Recommended Dishes
- Name: Tenkaippin Koenji
- Address: 4-7-1 Koenji Minami, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 166-0003
- Phone: 03-3317-7408
- Hours: 11:00 AM – 10:00 PM
- Closed: Thursdays
- Seating: 10 counter seats, several tables (2 seats x 1, 4 seats x 2, 6 seats x 3)
- Access: 5-7 min walk from JR Koenji Station
- Recommended Dishes:
- Kotteri Ramen
- Service Set (Ramen + Half Fried Rice + Gyoza)
- Fried Chicken Drumettes
For a truly satisfying ramen experience, Tenkaippin Koenji’s Kotteri Ramen is a must-try. Its bold flavors and hearty texture make for a memorable meal that’s sure to leave you feeling full and content. Don’t miss this unique ramen spot on your next trip to Koenji!